The Blog
Chirco Family Session
One of the big pros of having some St. Louis weddings left, is being able to spend some time with my sister and her family! It’s been really great seeing them when I’ve been back in town and it’s really cool seeing my nephew Jackson and my niece Cami grow up right in front of me! So of course when they wanted me to do a lifestyle family session for them, I wasn’t going to say no. We had so much fun during the session and the kids did so great! I was a very proud Uncle :) I just wanted to share a few of these cute kids here on the blog!
These two love to have a lot of fun together :)
Dancing fun!
Such a cute family!
And of course we had to jump on the bed!
Momma and baby Cami
These two did so well!!
And finally finished off with some ice cream!
It was definitely a good day!